Adorable VIDEOS readily available !!
Love German Shepherd but cant have a huge size canine ??!! What about a small German Shepherd mix ??
I have 4 beautiful brand-new born German shepherd and poodle mix babies are all set for their brand-new home. Their papa is a purebred german shepherd who weighs 80 lb. Their mother is a poodle who's ONLY 8 lbs. These cute children will grow up to typical size. Now there are 1 woman and 3 boys. They were born on 6/29. They will be all set for a new house around Aug15th. Since they got the finest things I can get for them, I ask for a $500 cost. Their mother got a pregnancy check and X-ray prior to their births(X ray picture is available when you decide to take them house). She got fantastic quality dog food which contains high quantity of DHA(great for building their brains). The cost will certainly also cover their very first vaccine shot at the veterinarian.
Contact for more notify and pictures.
I ALSO HAVE their CUTE VIDEOS !! They are lovable!