I have the books in the pictures. Everything is obo.
biology for a shifting world is 50. Made use of at the book shop is 90. This book is required for biology110. 107.95 on Amazon.
A short course in digital photography 30. Made use of at the book shop is 58. This book is needed for photography 160. 56.61 on Amazon.
Human services in modern America 75. Utilized at the bookstore is 133.75 this book is required for hmsv 111. 149.84 on Amazon.
Principles of chemical dependency 75. Made use of is 138.67 on amazon. This book is needed for hmsv 220
Basics of sociology 100. I used this book for soc 110 with Myers. 169.04 on Amazon
Explorations: intro to astronomy and 365 starry nights 100 for both. Utilized for astronomy110. 150 alone for expeditions intro to astronomy on Amazon.
978-0-8-1 ideas of chemical dependency
978-0-2-1 digital photography
978-1-6-7 human services in contemporary America
978-0-7-5 biology for a changing world
978-0-5-1 essentials of sociology
978-0-07-734509-9 expeditions 0-6-6 365 starry nights