Bulk of these were only used a few times and some weren't worn at all so they are in great shape.
7 pairs of size 4 jeans.
2 outfits size 4.
15 shirts size 4 some size 4-5.
3 shorts size 3 & & 4. The size 3 are big for their size.
Skirt size 4.
5 pairs of leggings size 4.
Pajamas size 4.
Jean jacket size 4.
2 swim fits and a white cover up size 4.
7 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of gloves, white tights, 7 pairs of painties, 2 hats.
Hello kitty pillow.
Size 10 shoes.
Different themes including hello kitty, camo, huskers and more.
I would such as to seel these at one time for $100 or finest offer.