My story
Hello Everyone! I’m Sister. Yep, Sister. I was found in a ditch with my brother. Guess what hisname was? Yep. Brother. He’s somewhere else now, and I don’t know if he’s still called that. Ianswer pretty well to Sister but am open to other suggestions.Brother and I were found in a ditch. I don’t remember how we got there, but this awesomecouple picked us up and then next day drove us to the RezDawg Rescue Rehab property inMoriarty, New Mexico. The nice people there took us each to the vet and while Brother was ok,I wasn’t quite as healthy. In fact, I had a fever that the vet was pretty concerned about.Brother hopped on a transport to Colorado after a few days, but they let me stay at RezDawgan extra week; then the nice person who was taking care of me there decided to become myfoster because I got along really well with his two other pups.It’s been a few weeks now and I’m super healthy, fluffy and happy. As I said, my foster has twoother dogs, a really tall slender one that is about 6 years old, and then a short stocky one thatis also a RezDawg Rescue who is about a year old. I’m about 6 months I think.For the past couple weeks I’ve been living inside and playing with my new friends anytime I’mnot sleeping, so it would be super great if someone wanted me that also had another activedog or two.I’m more of a wagger than a bragger, but I’ve learned how to be quite polite. Each of us threepups has our own bowl of dog food that pretty much always has food in it, and we all shareand eat without any aggression. Even when we get treats or when we get our healthy wetfood / meat meals, I know to stick to my own bowl. Yah, I’m super smart. I’m also very proudto say that I have not had a single “accident” as they call it, in the house. We usually go outaround 10 - 11 at night and then sometime during the middle of the night, then I sleep until atleast 7 happily. My sister sleeps in the bed and I tried that, but I’ve got such a thick coat nowthat I tend to sleep on the floor right next to the outside door to stay cool. Even my dog bed ittoo hot most of the time.My one sister loves to chase a tennis ball, and the guy here has this thrower thing that sends itreally far; so I pretty much understand how fetch works and it’s a great way to wear me out. Idon’t always know what to do with the ball when I get it. I usually bring it back but often forgetthat it’s in my mouth while I’m waiting for the next throw. I’m sure I’ll figure the rest of the gameout soon.I do have one puppy trait that I should probably tell you about. I’m really good at findingblankets, socks, things that I think would be a nice addition to wherever I sleep, and draggingthem to that location. I think it’s funny :) Other than that, I do love to chew, so I require asupply of large, long lasting, tasty, healthy bones or the like. They’re even better than socks.Just one thing to anyone who may consider being my forever person; no making fun of myears. I know the other one is going to stand up someday. In fact, it probably already wouldhave except it’s comfortable to rest my head on when I’m sleeping, so it’s stays folded down alot. Anyway, it’s cute, not funny. Now let’s fill out that adoption form...”
Currently being fostered in Wisconsin
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Sister, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.