Sissy, a small Shepherd mix, is about a year old. She only weighs about 25 lbs. and will need to gain some weight. Sissy has a very sweet loving personality, and she gets along great with other dogs and cats. She is still very puppy like and will need training and exercise.
Our adoption fee of $125.00 helps cover expenses (vaccinations, spay/neuter, food, housing) for the homeless pets we rescue.
UAF does not ship our adoptables out of state and to ensure the best fit, UAF conducts a home visit to meet other pets and verify a safe, secure yard.
To start the process of adopting this dog or any other dog, please fill out our matchmaking form which can be accessed by copying the following address and pasting it into your browser.
Filling out this form does not obligate you to adopt.
Please email to learn more about this dog.