Jaden and Titan had a BEAUTIFUL litter born March 9th 2018. The mom is Black and White with Sky Blue Eyes weighs 48pounds and the dad is Red and White with Blue Eyes weighs 63 pounds. Gracie is a VERY SWEET AND Playful Sable and White Female with 1 Blue Eye and 1 Brown Eye.The puppies will come with 4 weeks Parvo Vac, 6 weeks 5 way vac, 8 weeks 7 way Vac, and dewormed every 2 weeks, ACA registration papers and Health Records. The deposit to reserve a puppy is $200 and that does come off the initial cost. The deposit can be done thru our website Shipping is available thru American Airlines for an additional $400. The puppies will be ready for their NEW HOME around May 9th. A Travel Crate is ONLY provided if Shipped...Text us at