Mauie is a Shorkie, she is half Yorky and half Shih-tzu, she is 8 mo old, weighs only 5 lbs, she is considered fully grown. The nice thing is you know what size she will be and Mauie is also litter box and pee pad trained. She is very mellow, not a barker, loves to lay on your lap for hours and she is very beautifull. Her coloring is so unique, down her back she is red and black, has a white chest, and blonde legs. Have to really see her to appreciate her beauty, she is also very hardy and good with children.In adddition she has the nice silky hair that is realy easy to groom, non-shedding, hypoallergenic, and just an all around great little puppy for thw hole family. Let me know if you would like to see her or can meet you someplace as well. Please call or text- /Linda I have more pictures but they don't look good when I post them on this site, so text and I'll send them to you.