Shepherd - Bruiser 18370 - Large - Young - Male - Dog
Bruiser is a 1-and-1/2-year old male Shepherd/Lab mix. He is mostly black but does have brown mixed throughout his coat. Bruiser also has just a little bit of white under his neck. He is a very handsome dog who is as sweet as he is pretty! Bruiser is playful and enjoys a romp in the yard! He gets along well with both children and other dogs. Bruiser is a very intelligent dog who would be easy to command train and he would be an eager student. He is already leash trained and house trained. This is not only a handsome dog--Bruiser is a great dog! He just needs a family and a home to show his love! If you are interested in adopting Bruiser--just come on out to the shelter and spend a little time with him. You will quickly see that he is a prize of a dog!
Dogs and puppies may be adopted for a fee of $120. Cats, 7 months and older, may be adopted for $50. Kittens, under the age of 7 months, may be adopted for $80. PAHS is also offering the Better with a Buddy Program; if you adopt one kitten, you can adopt his or her buddy for half price. Our adoption fees cover a microchip, microchip registration, discounted spay/neuter, deworming, vaccinations (as age and law requires), 30 days of insurance (as requirements met), and a courtesy vet exam at participating offices.
Breed: Shepherd
Size: Large
Petfinder ID:
Prattville/Autauga Humane Society | Prattville, AL |
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