Wanting to remove some excess games from my collection.
80 ps2 games.
4 disc only ps2 video games.
10 ps3.
27 nes.
5 genesis.
1 ds.
8 gamecube.
6 disc just gamecube.
7 ps1.
1 disc just ps1.
23 360.
2 disc just 360.
6 wii.
6 initial xbox.
12 disc just original xbox.
2 psp.
1 psp motion picture.
ps2 guitar hero guitar.
If you wish to know if a certain video game consists of insctruction manual, I'll let you understand. The majority of the games do have manuals. Basically all of the ps2 boxed games are in excellent shape. PS3 video games are likewise strong. Half the 360 games are good the other half are great. Trying to find finest offer and I am offering this as a lot. Thanks.