This bike was set up as a back up bike. As you can see, it was used/needed very often. Bike is in great shape, and has many upgrades, and extra parts that go with it. Over $2500 in aftermarket parts. As my 15 year old son is the rider of this bike, it had been meticulously maintained by a local Ktm dealership. This bike is 100% ready to go, and will be received in the condition shown in the picture.- Orange powder coat frame- Pro Circuit stage 2 suspension, shock and fork - 2 FMF platinum fatty pipes(including on the bike)- stock silencer - 2 FMF ti 2 shorty(including on the bike)- 1 works FMF fatty $250- Orange samco radiator hoses - Moose racing radiator braces - Acerbis front brake cover - G2 quick turn throttle tube, motion pro cable - Ktm low seat- Stock seat- Dunlop MX32 tires