We have the following books for sale as a supplement to either public school, a homeschool curriculum, or simply for fun!
Analogies Grade 6-8 $2.00.
Books by Kids, $2.00 (not a workbook).
Enjoyable Five-Minute Math Practice Grade 6-8, $2.00.
Mathematics Grade 6, $2.00.
Mathematics Grade 7, $5.00.
Buy all (3) math workbooks for $7.50.
Grammar Grade 6, $2.00.
Summer Bridge Activities Grade 7-8, $5.00.
Test Prep Grade 8, $3.00.
United States and World Map Skills Grade 5-8, $3.00.
Vocabulary Grade 4-8, $2.00.
Idiot's Guide to Homeschooling $12.00 (reference).
Trip to the Planets $2.00 (not a workbook).