Combo: 1, 2 and 3 SOLD.
Rods = Penn 3145RS 4/0 6' 6" 30-50 # Line.
Reels = Penn 113H Special 4/0 Senator.
$125.00 Each.
Combination: 4 SOLD.
Rod = Penn 3130RS 3/0 6' 6" 20-40 # Line.
Reel = Penn 112H 3/0 Special Senator.
Combination: 5.
Rod = St Croix Viking 92137 6'0".
Reel = Penn 112H 3/0 Special Senator.
Combo: 6.
Rod = Cyclone 60MS 6'0".
Reel = Penn 112H 3/0 Special Senator.
Combo: 7.
Rod = Penn Slammer SLS 2721 H 7' 15-30 # Line.
Reel = Penn 105 CS.
Combo: 8.
Rod = Shakespeare BWS 570-2M 7' 10-25 # Line.
Reel = Penn 105 CS.
Reel requires internal cleaning and lub.
Combination: 9.
Rod = Penn Long Beach 3360C 6' 15-30 # Line.
Reel = Shakespeare 060.
Various Equipment and Tackle bag.