COIN ? Saint Joachim Thaler, father of Mary the mother of Jesus (#138 ? RC3) $25
Attention collectors, coin buffs & enthusiasts!!!
You are looking at an old Bohemian coin replica from 1520 of Saint Joachim Thaler (St. James). According to Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican tradition, Joachim Thaler, was the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.
He is shown on the front of the coin with mustache, beard and wrinkled jacket holding a staff in his left hand and the writings of "SANCTVS IOACHIM 1967" around him. Next to him right knee is a Bohemian Coat of Arms. On the outside of the coin are the words ": STEFANI : FRATR : COMITV . D . BASAIA : ARMA : DNOR : SLICOMV". In translation from Bohemian: "Stephen and his brothers, Earl of Bassano"
On the reverse side is a lion of Bohemia, the old traditional Czech Lands, which was the combination of Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia. Today, those three historic provinces compose the Czech Republic. The writings on the outside indicate "1520 + LVDOVICVS + PRIMVS + JEI + GRACIA + REX + BOEM +". In translation: "The year 1520, Louis the First, by the grace of God King of Bohemia".
In Brief:
St. Joachim and his wife St. Anne were in the decline of life when Mary was born. Bohemian tradition says that while Joachim was away from home, he had a vision that Anne was to be blessed with a child, and that on his return home, his wife ran forth to tell of the visitation of an angel who had revealed to her the same good tidings.
The ancient belief is that a child was born to an elderly mother who had given up hope of having offspring and was destined for some high purpose and would be blessed by all the world. It was believed that Joachim and Anne gave Mary to the service of the Temple when she was three years old.
Year:1967?replica of 1520 coin
Alloy - Material: Lead with Silver
Coin Grade: Excellent
Size: 1" across
Thickness: "
Weight: 21.7g
Obverse (front):
* Saint Joachim Thaler with a mustache, beard and wrinkled jacket holding a staff in his left hand
Reverse (back):
* a lion of Bohemia, the old traditional Czech Lands, which was the combination of Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia
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