Ruby's story
Meet Ruby! Ruby is part mixed breed and part special. She is a wonderful medium sized girl! She weighs about 50lbs, give or take, and is approximately 4 years old. Ruby loves everyone she meets and especially loves to snuggle, which is especially nice because she is so soft! She is an active dog, and she loves to be a jogging, hiking, or walking partner. She also loves to explore her surroundings! She's extremely smart and will do well in a home where she is given opportunities to learn and house rules to follow. She is very treat motivated, but also loves to work for affection and praise. She is still working on manners such as jumping, so would do well in a home with older children who will understand and help enforce any rules. With the proper introduction, she usually gets along well with other animals, but would also love to have all of the family attention to herself. The best environment for Ruby would be a home with a large fenced yard to play in, with an active family who is looking for one special dog to make their home complete! Ruby is fully housetrained, vetted, and up to date on all checkups and vaccinations.
For more information about Ruby, you can email [email protected] or fill out an application online here: