Revis is anxiously looking for his forever family!
He is a friendly and fun 3 year old corgi/jack russell mix who loves to truly smile!
He is a happy and playful little guy.
Revis appreciates the loving he is getting and will greet you with his curly tail and the best smile!
He walks well on a leash, making a great walking partner for his lucky family.
With his alert and willing personality this little pup would excel at additional training.
Please come and meet Revis soon!
His DOB is 3/28/15 and he weighs 7.3 lbs.
Dog adoption fee is $239. This includes the spay or neuter surgery, age appropriate current vaccines (distemper and rabies), microchip, and preventative flea treatment.
Please stop by to see our adoptable dogs between 1pm-8pm Tuesday. 1pm to 5pm Wednesday-Friday and 12pm-3pm on Saturdays. You are also welcome to contact us via email at [email protected]. We hope to see you soon!
These are rescue dogs, and we do not have any further information regarding behavior, training or past experiences.
For the safety of the dogs, we need to verify residency for all adopters. Renters, please bring a copy of the lease showing that you are allowed to own a dog. Homeowners, please bring a copy of a mortgage statement proving you own your own home. We also require a copy of a utility bill with your name and address for all adopters. We encourage you to meet the pet you are applying for before submitting the application. Your application will not be approved until after you meet the pet. If you would like to print and fill out the application to bring with you to our shelter, visit our website at