Complete computer Repair done today
Loading Windows 7 any version 32 bit or 64 bit $40
Full Reinstalls are still $40
Computer that don't start windows anymore $40
Change from Xp to Windows 7 $40
Change out parts and reinstall windows $40
Removal of virus's that keep your computer from running $40
Removal of the Blue Screen Of Death $40
Just clean up your pc to get if running fast again $40
Build computer from scratch $40
Change out Broken Hardware $40
Clean up your Pc and get it running like new again $40
Saving all personal files music, pictures, videos documents
Complete format of your hard drive to ensure that nothing is left on it virus's Trojans etc.
Install the latest version of Windows that your pc will run well
Customize Windows to perform faster and stronger than before
Install antivirus and Office 2010 and useful system tools
Reinstall all you personal files .
Give me a Call today my name is Gary
30 Day guarantee on all my work
If anything happens to you Pc after the 30 days just give me a call and if its a easy fix
I will just do it for free if its not so easy I will give you a discount of the repair.
Location: Stockton