TSN: 1446.9 / 1446.9
CSN: 2030 / 2034
HSO: 1446.9 / 1446.9
CSO: 2030 / 2034
Hrs. Since HSI: 189.4 / 54.8
HSO: 140.3 / 140.3
Aircraft Specs & Performance:
Maximum Take-off Weight : 12,500 Lbs
Maximum Landing Weight : 12,500 Lbs
Maximum Zero-Fuel Weight : 10,500 Lbs
Empty Operating Weight : 8,259 Lbs
Payload : 1800 Lbs
Fuel Capacity : 648 Gals
New Overall Matterhorn White fuselage paint with a three different color Blue stripe, Dark Blue, Medium Blue and a Light Blue that are in good condition. The engine nacelles and wings have been stripped of all paint and are now highly polished giving this part of the aircraft exterior a striking and Stainless Steel look.
New Grey leather interior as of May 2011.
Collins Proline Package
Currently have 3 Comms and 3 Navs plus GPS
2 Collins 328A-3G Slaving Accessories
Collins Type 562C-8 Computer Yaw Damper
Collins NCS31A ARNAV
Collins 913Y-2 Mode Select Unit
2 Collins 332E-4 Directional Gyros
AQUILA ASU-1A Switching Unit
Collins 332D-IIT Horizon Gyro
AQUILA ASU-2 ANS Auto Tune Relay Unit
Collins 331A-3G Course Indicator
#1 DME Collins 339R-3
Collins 899P-1 Radio Adapter
DSU-1 DME Switching Unit
Guardian 3 AFF
2 Baker Boxes are M1035's Audio Control System
IFR Certified Garmin GNS530 W/ TAWS
Artex ME406 406MHz ELT
Sperry/RCA DI-2007 Display, RT3002 R/T and AP-3001 Antenna
#1 ADF / #1 Transponder Collins 339R-4 Digital Readout with 2 TDR-90 Receivers
Collins APC-80 Autopilot with APA-80A Autopilot AMP and APC Autopilot Computer
Collins FGP-81A Flight Director with a FGC-80B Flight Guidance Computer
#1 COMM Collins 339R-7 Digital Readout with a VHF-20A R/T Unit
#2 NAV/COMM Collins 339R-3 Digital Readout with a VHF-20A R/T Unit and Dual Collins VIR-30A Receivers
Maintenance: A/B letter check C/W IAW Fairchilds 226 letter check inspection on 12/19/13 at 1444.6 ACTT C/D due next on 7/15/14 to meet calendar requirements or 1598.7 ACTT whichever occurs first. Left engine H.S.I. performed by Turbine Standard. Right engine H.S.I. performed by Standard Aero. Both propellers overhauled by Precision Propeller. The damage on the aircraft are as follows:
L/H Prop Strike (Prop and Engine repair)