If you love Cleveland History, this is a treasure of a book listing Cleveland Company ads on virtually every page in that area and throughout the book. It gives a true image of Life In Cleveland in the late 1800's with images and sketches of the buildings and production in the City. It's published by the Cleveland Directory Company, 1894 for the year ending July, 1895 and was offered, "By Subscription Only". It's consisted of an Alphabetical List of all Business Firms and Private Citizens, a Classified Business Directory and a Directory of the Public Institutions and who held local Offices at that time. With over 1300 pages, this hard cover book weighs 4-1/2 pounds. It's 9-1/2" tall, 6-1/2" wide and 3-1/2" tall. It has the cloth end and the binding is in excellent condition as well as the pages in the book. A fascinating book of Cleveland History !! $130.