Rainey's story
FROM THE ORIGINAL RESCUE ABOUT IMARA AND RAINEY: Imara is a little shy at first, may even hide a bit, but warms up quickly and purrs a lot when getting attention. Rainey is more open for attention and is less likely to hide. She can get over stimulated if too many pets, but she'll let you know. They are not from the same colony, but have become quite good friends at their foster home. They would be a great pair if looking for two cats. Rainey will cry and search for Imara if she's not in a known spot. Both are more nocturnal at this time, but we feel they'll settled down well once they are secure and feel safe in a permanent home. They are currently residing at the EAPL Cat Adoption Center hosted by Chow Down in Evergreen. Stop by to meet them. They'll be cuddled up together somewhere.