Please contact DiAnna for more information about this pet.Our Animals Live In Private Homes With People That Love Them. We Specialize In Pet-Quality, Friendly, Sociable Cats and Kittens and Represent Good Samaritans In Re-homing Lost Pets Whose Owner Could Not Be Found and Private Parties Whose Dogs Need New Homes.
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Our Network Promotes Adopting Cats/Kittens in Pairs and Make Available a Four Month Payment Plan When Adopting Pairs. Please Ask for our Handout About Why Adopting Pairs of Cats is Best.
Super affectionate cat!RAINEY
Rainey is very loving and sweet and by far is the more social cat of the three sisters. Her favorite things are petting and watching the bird feeder that hangs outside a window. She loves petting and will drop and roll to show her belly when she wants attention and will also seek out a lap when wanting to be close. Breezy is Raineys favorite playmate. Either cat will cry out from the other room when they are apart. Both kitties love interactive play and are compatible playmates. Having a pair of cats that are good playmates is a healthy alternative to a sedentary lifestyle for indoor cats. Rainy has lived with a small dog that had no interest in the cats. The founder of Animal Network of Orange County, DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, is very particular about the quality of the animals, vitamins, proper diet and veterinary medical care. Feral kittens are tamed to pet quality and rescue cats that are shy are disclosed and termed, rescue quality with a lower placement fee. Pfaff-Martin teaches a one hour feline pet-parenting class to all that adopt to ensure that network animals have the proper care for their lifetime. The AVID microchip registration is included in the placement fee and the animals come with a 30 day heath commitment and return policy.
Most kittens in O.C. these days are born feral (wild without human touch since birth). Feral kittens left untamed can grow up and be skittish and hide. These kitties can be a challenge to get to the vet or even touch other than their caregiver. People whom have adopted feral kittens often describe their behavior as having been abused.
Its what the organization does with the animals after they have been trapped and rescued from the outdoors that makes the difference in a quality animal. People believe that adopting the smallest kitten means they can raise the perfect animal. This is simply not true as most people are gone from the home for long hours and are not experts in the field of taming wild animals.
Adopting an adult animal that has been well-loved and has known behaviors and a personality that the caregiver can tell you about is what all should consider. Almost anyone would add a cute kitten into their home. 90% of adult cats entering the municipal shelter systems are put to death. Even kittens over 4 months old because people are seeking the tiny ones.
3/6/18 3:16 PM