QVS Apple/Mac PhoneNet Network Kit (#153) $10
This is a QVS (Quality, Value, and Service) Apple/Mac PhoneNet network kit that can connect to any Apple computers with AppleTalk LAN port. This PhoneNet/SmartTalk kits allows two computers to be connected using regular RJ11/RJ12 phone cord and in a Bus topology. SmartTalk is compatible with Apple's LocalTalk and Farallon's PhoneNet.
PhoneNet was an implementation of the AppleTalk networking physical layer created by Farallon Computing (now Netopia). Though PhoneNet transceivers are still available from third parties for use on legacy Macintosh networks, no current Mac model comes with the RS-422 serial ports that are required for PhoneNet transceivers; virtually all Macintosh networking is done using Ethernet or Wi-Fi, with a small amount of IP-over-FireWire used [citation needed] for ad hoc networking.
? Model#: PhoneNet Adapter, Mini8M/(2)RJ11F
? US Patent #: 4.901.342 and 5.003.579
? Manufactured by: Farallon
? Your price: $10
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