One lovable liking yorkie terrier is browsing for his new home. He is presently 13 weeks of age. He is weighing 2.1 lbs right now and will certainly have an adult estimated weight of 4.5-6 lbs. He has had his tail docked and the dew claws removed. He has had his very first shot series administered and has had a deworming treatment done.
I is my last child left of the six puppy litter (3 boys and 3 girls). I expect him to be dark in coloring. He is priced at 950 (he will certainly be teacup/mini sized as an adult).
Both the mommy, Black and gold 7.5 lb yorkie, and stud daddy, 5.5 lbs silver and gold yorkie, are AKC registered moms and dads.
He is on strong puppy food. His personality is adorable; he loves to be held in your arms like a live teddy bear. He will certainly sit for the longest time if you continue giving him a belly rub. He will offer you lots of kisses throughout the process.
If you want to make him a part of your family and want to take a look at him or would like more details, let me know.