2 males - 1 pure white and 1 white and black. 5 females - 2 pure white and 3 black and white. Pictures reveal males at the end.
If interested, text me or email. Come initially serve. Must have proper lawn with high fence, and sign an agreement stating that you will care for the pet dog and never damage or abandon him/her. These puppies are not papered or they would be priced MUCH higher. Both moms and dads are on site. Pictures are readily available upon request. My young puppies offer fast, so this advertisement will be taken down when all puppies are reserved. I do not deliver young puppies, so kindly understand that you have to select them up from me.
$250 (half) deposit to hold young puppy of your choice. Puppies can not leave up until they are 8 weeks old (Jan. 2). First shot consisted of in price of puppy. 2nd shot is $20 at time of pick-up (or you could choose to utilize your veterinarian). The 2nd shot is essential, as it secures your young puppy from Parvo and other illness which are life threatening.