I have 3 purebred Ragdoll females that I breed:
A Mitted Seal Point, a Seal BI-Color, and a Blue Bi-Color.
My male is a BIG fluffy Seal Point. I ALWAYS get an assortment of Traditional colors and color patterns. Please call, text or email for more info or photos. Patty
[email removed]
. They are 13 weeks old, litter box trained and have had their first shots. They are VERY well socialized with people, other cats and dogs. I have been breeding Ragdolls for 4 years and they are wonderful.
My three females each had their litters just a few weeks apart, a total of 10 kittens. Seven have been sold, so I have just 3 kittens left.
Regarding the photos...
One female is a Seal Point, no white, photos of her on a pink towel.
One female is a Seal Bi-Color with a dark mask, photos of her on a gold sheet.
The male is a very light Chocolate Bi-Color, photos of him on a black & white towel.
Ragdolls are known for their wonderful temperaments and personalities. Sometimes called "Dog Cats" because many times, they act like dogs. They like to follow you around. They come when called by their name. They are not finicky, they like to sit with you, watch TV with you, lay on your desk when you are trying to work! Sleep cuddled up next to you. They are a people cat.
Plus, they are beautiful! Beautiful coloring, their coats are very soft, like bunny fur, medium length and very little shedding. They are clean cats, both males and females keep themselves well groomed.
A unique thing about Ragdolls...
ALL traditional Ragdolls are ALL born ALL white, and change color as they get older! It takes the first week to 10 days to be able to see the beginning signs of color and color pattern. Then over the next 2-3 years, their color will darken.
Another thing specific to Ragdolls, they ALL have beautiful BLUE eyes.
No matter what color or color pattern, a purebred Ragdoll will have beautiful BLUE eyes. :)
I breed purebred Ragdoll kittens. I do not show, so I do not have registered Ragdolls, with registration papers. Therefore, I sell my kittens for less than half of what you would pay for a registered Ragdoll. I want more people to be able to afford and enjoy these wonderful cats. They are beautiful with amazing temperaments and personalities. :)
These 3 kittens are from a litter of 6 Ragdoll kittens.
They were born on July 29th.
Before any kitten goes to their new home, they are eating dry kitten food, they are LITTER BOX TRAINED, I take them in for a thorough VET CHECK UP and get them their FIRST SHOTS.
They are all very well socialized with people, other cats and our dogs.
They are $500 each.
If you purchase 2 kittens, (many people do, they grow up as playmates )
I will take $100 off the price of the second kitten.
Both parents on site.
Any questions, don't hesitate to call or text me :)
Patty in Peoria, AZ.
Here is a great little video about Ragdolls
Animal Planet - Cats 101