They are paper trained, have been de-wormed and had their first shot. They have been well socialized with children ranging from 3 to 12 years of age and a rowdy cat. They are 8 weeks old and are ready to go to their new forever home at this time. At 8 weeks they will make a very loveable and trainable pet.The first one is a light blond wolf sable male, his weight is 2.6lbs. and he will be $375. Next is a smokey gray male with a white chest, his weight is 4lbs., he will be $300. Next is a dark blond wolf sable male, his weight is 3.5lbs., he is $375. Then we have the lady of the group, a smokey gray extra small female with white paws on the rear and she weights 2.3lbs., she is $375.