Cane Corso's born September 14, 2014. Mommy and papa are ICCF (International Cane Corso Federation) registered. Mother (Jada Pinkett) is 150lbs pure Cane Corso and daddy (King George) is 167 pounds pure Cane Corso. Mommy is on the premises. There is a total amount of 13 young puppies (7 blues, 6 blacks) but only 8 offered. Once they are weaned from their mom, these lovely young puppies will be ready to go to their new houses in November. They still have their tails and ears. I have actually included mommy (Fawn / Brindle) and daddy (Blue) in the pictures. I am taking deposits of $500 to hold your selection young puppy. If you alter your mind on wanting a puppy, 50 % will certainly be reimbursed. Kindly do not hesitate to contact me at -LRB-916-RRB- or [e-mail got rid of] for more details.