honey is 6 months old. up to date on all shots, rabies, microchipped and fixed. i have the papers. honey is a great dog. crate trained and potty trained as long as you let her out when she goes to the door although might have a few accidents in a new place but i’m not sure. she does great on a leash and in the car. great with kids. honey is a one person kind of dog. she gets scared meeting new people and barks meeting new dogs. once she gets to know another dog she is great with them. i board dogs for a job and she is constantly stressed with new dogs coming in and out. i just want her to be happy and me less stressed having to explain to my clients she not aggressive, just fearful of meeting new people and dogs. price is non negotiable so i know she goes to a good home and i have invested a lot of money in her. text with any questions
Dog Breed | Australian Shepherd |