3 sweet infants left in a litter of 7.
2 males and 1 lady.
The young puppies are 9 weeks old. They are healthy pleased little bundles of delight. They are up to date on their vaccines and their de wormings. The puppies have been raised around youngsters so they are really lively and socialized. They are bathroom pad trained. They are eating a solid quality puppy food. They are chunky and really thick. The parents are purebred and akc but the young puppies will not be papered because they are a designer type. They will go to their brand-new families with their vaccination record and a little puppy pack including puppy pads, toy, treats, and so on. They make the ideal family animals or companion. This is an excellent breed to have. You cancel the health issues between the 2 types when you cross. The males are 750 and the female is 850. The males have curly tails and the ladies was born brief naturally like a frenchie. If interested kindly feel totally free to email me with any concerns.