Assassins creed 2 $10
Dirt 3 $10
GTA 4 $5
UFC undisputed 2010 $10
Killzone 3 $10
Fall out new vegas $10
Need for speed most wanted $15
Borderlands 1 $10
Borderlands 2 $20
Farcry 3 $20
Skyrim $20
Metal gear rising $15
Sonic sega allstar racing $10
NHL 13 $15
If your buying more than 1 game i will accept package deals. No trades only cash, unless you have ps4 games. I also have GTA 5, NHL 14 cod black ops 2, i have alot money into those games (not gta 5 cuz no dlc packs are out yet) and only had them for a couple months so if you want those offer a good price. TXT me only at