(2 male) Father is 31/2 pound red poodle and mom is gold 4 pound morkie(maltese mix yorkie)puppies are 8 weeks and have their first 5in1 parvo shot +6 warmings we have proof of records ... D.O.B..6 / 07/14 ... 3 puppies in this liter.1 female rare red raunt of the liter will be t-cup she is barely 1 pound at 8 weeks and have both bottom and upper teeth.1 male also red.1 male gold. These young puppies are consuming the tough food and we feed them buffalo imperial and blue canine small bites. These puppies are also puppy pad train and they are doing great on the training pad. Since she have a sea section to get the 3rd puppy out and all puppy made it and are extremely healthy, this is mommy 2nd liter and will certainly be last liter. First come and initially serve and only to an excellent home ... ...(All male picture)... ... male $450...............