Pony - Pogo - Medium - Young - Male - Horse
Pogo is an adorable 3 year old colt with lots of energy. We think he might be a Pony of America cross, with a very handsome blond forelock and blond streaks in his tail--so snazzy! He is playful and LOVES to play with his giant blue-and-yellow soccer ball. (there is a video of this floating around somewhere) "Sponsor Me" donations will be used for vet care, feed and upkeep, paddock maintenance, etc. Please email or call if you are interested, or come on our farm tour, every Sunday at 2:30--tour is mostly outside so please dress for the weather and please, no flip-flops or sandals.
Breed: Pony
Size: Medium
Petfinder ID:
Live and Let Live Farm | Chichester, NH |
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