I have a package of old Playstation 2 goodies up for sale!
The PS2 device is in excellent condition and comes with all provided below:.
- The PS2 System.
- Network (net) adaptor and setup disk.
- DVD gamer attachment and remote.
- 3 Memory cards.
- A vertical stand.
- 2 Guitar Hero guitars with limited edition carrying case.
- 5 video games including Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s, Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock, Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero Aerosmith.
Everything works completely conserve for the whammy bar on the white guitar. Both guitars have straps as does the carrying case. The case also has a pocket that can house anything from the straps to the video games for simple travel.
** I am not able to discover the power or AV cord for this system. These are extremely inexpensive repairs easily discovered at Walmart or Amazon.
Kindly e-mail for contact and do not hesitate to ask any questions!