this is lucy, she is 3 years of ages and we are should rehome her to a FOREVER residence. she is an AMAZING family members pet dog, she is FANTASTIC with kids (despite having children). we have a 2 year aged child- she rests in his space and NEVER EVER leaves his side! she ENJOYS being outdoors, her favored surprise is sliced cheese, and she could be with other males- but not various other girls. We are wanting her to be the only pet in the house- she is very dear to us and we desire her to get the love and focus she deserves !!!! she is repaired, and has no hostility to other pets.
if you have any sort of problems please get in touch with us at -LRB-916-RRB- ... txt or a call does not matter- anytime! if you do email- you could not obtain an immediate reaction.