My story
Pip is a 9 week old Australian Shepherd Mix weighing about 8lbs. Pip was brought to CO with her 7 siblings and Momma when they were only 4-5 weeks old. Now that they are 9 weeks old they are ready to find their forever families!
Pip and her siblings are absolutely wonderful puppies. These little fluffy babies are full of life and happiness. They love to play and romp around the yard/house. They are happy, healthy little pups. While they do have the Shepherd energy level of playful and goofy, they also love to snap and snuggle with each other and their fosters. They are being fostered in a home with kids and other dogs and do great with all of them! Honestly, these pups are wonderful and will make wonderful famile members. They would do great with another dog to play with or an active family who wants an adventure buddy. They will also be okay with low key snuggles days as long as their families understand that they are more active breeds and will need exercise and mental stimulation almost daily.
If you are interested in adopting one of these floofballs, please fill out our adoption application at
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Pip, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.