My granddaughter has outgrown her carseat. It's pink with pink circles. I didn't have much padding in all-time low of the seat, so I added some more. The material is microfiber and really soft.
It can be rear-facing for a 5-30 pound infant, or forward facing for 20 - 40 pound kid. Has initial back and side anchor straps. There are 3 height settings for the shoulder straps and 2 locations the connection between the legs can be.
I've washed the fabric, however the straps require cleaning. The seat bottom of the fabric is a little stained. The edging elastic where the material wraps around the frame isn't really as tight as it utilized to be. It can benefit with some ribbon ties to hold the fabric cover in a couple places.
Initially expense $165. When she was 6 months old, I bought for my granddaughter.
E-mail or text. I can satisfy you at a gasoline station by 540/I49 at Exit 72 or 73 on weekends or after 6p weekdays; OR during the weekdays at Exit 85 or 86.
Thanks a lot for the interest:).