This shirt was bought brand new only worn once. It was priced at $60 when i bought it but now they have it for $44 in stores i have lowered my price to $20 bucks here is a link to see the shirt /columbia/mens-pfg-bahama-ii-long-sleeve-shirt?sku_id=485135&cm_mmc=Mercent-_-Google+PLA-_-Columbia-_-4935&mr:trackingCode=312120A4-DF57-EC&mr:referralID=NA&origin=pla&mr:adType=pla&mr:ad=37&mr:keyword={keyword}&gclid=CI7ioeLSlq8CFZFR7AodeSzg0Q the shirt is the aqua blue one on the top row. U can reach me on my cell
Location: GreenPond