Here at the Stove Store we have a huge selection of wood stoves gas stoves and pellet stoves. From time to time we clear out some of our stock to leave room for new products making it possible for you to be able to take advantage of these awesome discounts!!!
This is one of our awesome deals:
PF100 Pellet Furnace
Automatically monitors heat levels for hassel-free operation. Customize your comfort with the wall mounted control, and let the PF100 do the rest.
* 112,000 BTU's- heats 2,500 to 6,500 square feet, based on climate and home efficiency
*Direct Vent for safe, easy installation
*160 lb. hopper capacity
We have two in stock, one in our showroom and one in our warehouse. These furnaces start at $5,448.00. We are clearing them out for $3,148.00 for the one in the showroom and $3,448.00 for the one in the box in our warehouse.
These make ideal heaters for a large warehouse or large workshop!!!
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