I have four nothing short of amazing perfect and adorable babies...1 boy and 3 girls. Their birthday is June 15, 2015. I take very much pride in my puppies. They are beautiful (and stay that way), loving, smart, healthy, non-shedders, and very trainable. They will grow to be about 10-15 lbs and stand about 12-15" high. Perfect addition to a loving family that is willing to love and nurture for years to come. I have taken very great care of them. It is a "must see" no photo does justice! Dominating gene, kind of obvious when you see them, is the Bichon-Frise, Mama is a very sweet long-haired Chihuahua - both parents are very great dogs. I have stayed in good touch with families that, to this day, love and cherish their dogs as much as when they first "adopted" them. If you are looking for a sweet dedicated doggie as a personal companion or addition to family please feel free to call me and come see for yourself. Please call Kyle at: 9oneSix * Seven One Seven * Zero Nine Two Three