This bike was purchased less than 2 years ago and I have barely used it. I’m also sending the mattress for under the bike and two 5 pounds weights.I’m selling it for less than half the price for what I paid, and please know that this is only available for local pickup in Astoria, Queens (11106).Ask questions! Introducing the Peloton Bike Generation 3, the perfect fitness equipment for gym and training enthusiasts. This bike is designed for those who want to stay fit and healthy without leaving the comfort of their homes. With its sleek and modern design, this bike is not only functional but also stylish.Featuring the Peloton brand, this exercise bike promises durability and quality. It is built to withstand even the toughest of workouts, ensuring a long-lasting investment for its users. The model is specifically created for gym and training activities, making it the perfect companion for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get ready to sweat it out with the Peloton Bike Generation 3.