My story
Sweet lover boy, Peanut!Peanut is a young 1-2 years old, male Lab-Pitbull-Carolina Dog mix and weighs about 18 lbs. He was sponsored by a lovely TAP volunteer under the ESLR sponsorship program, and came to us from Ensenada to find his forever home! He is working hard on his bathroom and leash training, and will be neutered soon.Peanut is a sweet little guy who loves to cuddle and play! He is a total people's person and loves to hang out! He is actually doing pretty good in a crate and is a good guy for a small home or apartment. He is learning to be warmer and curb his fear of new dogs. He needs a gentle introduction and maybe some behavior training. He does get along wonderfully with his foster doggie brother and plays with him. He hasnt been taken to the dog park yet, since he is still getting used to a leash. He has been good to kids who he meets during his walks. Overall, he is just a sweet boy, wanting to love hard on his family!Peanut will do best with a family who totally adores him! Some training and working on his fears will be very helpful. He will do great in a smaller home or apartment as well. This pet's adoption fee is $300 and that includes spaying/neutering, shots and microchip. If you want to take this pet home, please fill out the form on the website here