I have 1 male young puppy. Born October 02,2014. He is Black/ White/ tan in color. His Parents are Full Parti Yorkies. He can be Registered with CKC.
Parti Yorkies are Rare. They are Full Blooded Yorkies that carry an unique gene for color. I price my Parti's very sensible, compared with the normal costs of 2000.00 - 7500.00 depending on bloodlines and size. This rate is with Limited registration - complete registration could be offered to an authorized breeder. Both Parents have Championship Bloodlines this young puppy brings the gene to produce Chocolate and sable colors !!!!!! He must be 4-5 lbs grown.
CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE AT: Yorkiesatbamabreeze.com to see Parents, Chloe & & Patches and upgraded images of him. Image with 2 young puppies are from last litter with exact same moms and dads. A 400.00 deposit will certainly hold him till he s prepared at 8 weeks. Email or call for any Questions. I'm a seasoned little in- home breeder with many references readily available. Only one young puppy offered in this trash- so he will be gone quick.
Parents weigh 3.5 and 5lbs. I AM LOCATED IN FOLEY, ALABAMA