This handsome boy is 4 months old and his name is Parker.
He is a Border Collie mix with beautiful markings.
Parker currently weighs 22 pounds. He is good with all other
dogs and he loves children too. Parker is a very playful puppy
and an overall great dog. He is dewormed, vaccinated
and he is scheduled to be neutered.
He is currently in the process of being potty-pad
trained. He needs work with walking on a leash.
Parker is located in Riverside, CA
If you would like to adopt Parker, please go to
and click on the ADOPTION APPLICATION tab and submit. Once
we receive your application we will contact you.
Adoption Fee $275
Please visit our store SHOP 2 CRUE at
FREE SHIPPING for all items. When you purchase from our store,
you are helping to save a dogs life because 100% of your purchase
goes towards the rescue of a death-row dog.