I have great deals of books from Jeff State's Nursing program about 2 years back. Some of these were needed at the time however numerous I got on my own and found extremely practical. I have actually evaluated each book individually below or you can take them all for $150. Text
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$20 Fundamentals of Nursing - Potter and Perry, 7th ed
$15 Fundamentals of Nursing Study Guide & Skills Performance Checklist - Potter & Perry, 7th ed
$5 Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Companion - Potter and Perry, 7th ed
$5 Fundamentals of Nursing (Art and Science of Nursing Care) - Lippincott, Williams, 6th ed
$15 Anatomy and Physiology - Saladin, 5th ed
$15 Medical Surgical Nursing - Lewis, Heitkemper, Dirksen, O'Brien, Bucher, 7th ed
$10 Pharmacology and the Nursing Process - Lilley, Harrington, Snyder, 5th ed
$15 Maternal-Child Nursing - McKinney, James, Murray, Ashwill, 3rd ed
$10 Health Assessment for Nursing Practice - Wilson, Giddens, 3rd ed
$15 Student Lab Guide for Health Assessment - Giddens, 3rd ed
$15 Calculate with Confidence - Morris, 4th ed
$5 Nursing Care Planning Guides - Ulrick, Canale, 5th ed
$5 Fundamental Success (Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking) - Nugent, Vitale, 2nd ed
$15 Concept Mapping (Critical Thinking Approach to Care Planning) - Schuster, 3rd ed
$10 Fluids, Electrolytes & Acid Base Balance (Reviews & Rationales) - Hogan, 2nd ed
$20 Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests - Pagana, 3rd ed
$5 Professional Guide to Diseases (encyclopedia of diseases, conditions, injuries, treatments) -
Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins, 9th ed
$5 Drug Interaction Facts and Comparisons - Kluwer
$20 Nursing 2012 Drug Handbook - Lippincott
$5 Nursing 2004 Drug Handbook - Lippincott
$5 Nursing 2003 Drug Handbook - Lippincott
$5 Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary - Davis, 14th ed