I have a Nikon d5300 that is about 3 months old and while taking night photos, the wind blew over my tripod and cracked the LCD. The camera is otherwise in ideal working order, however me being a little OCD, I purchased a replacement and went camera so am selling this one. This video camera comes WITHOUT the lens, just the body. Initially, I purchased it for $700 for just the body and have taken great care of it. It's been cleaned, the shutter count is low - don't know exactly but I've taken less than 1000 images on it. If you can deal with a split LCD, then this cam is ideal, I simply can not so am offering it. If interested or want more photos of it, let me understand. I am consisting of pictures taken after the fall of Comic Con so you can see that it still works beautifully. Thanks!
Can text.
Cash money just, price is firm, $200.
three one niner - 5 niner four - 2 6 six 6.