I have a treadmill that's in great shape. It was barely used. Its a really nice treadmill it is all computerized from opening it to using the incline and it shows you your heart rate, how many calories and carbs your burning. It comes with a lot of bells and whistles. You can also plug your music into it and it has a lot.of extras. It folds up or down electronically and folds up and out of the way when not in use. Paid 800.00 will let it go for 350.00 or best offer above 250.00. If you are interested in looking at it let me know. It is heavy you would need a dollie to move it. Serious inquiries only please. Call or text me at . I am located.in Newark. DE off route 40 by Fox Run Shopping Center behind Buffalo Wild Wings and Hardee's. Call or text to set up a time to come take a look at it. Its really nice for the price I am asking.