My story
The goofy genius!Newton is a 5 year old, male, 45 lb, Boxer mix who came to us in search of his forever family. TAP could not resist the sweet eyes and the sweeter underbite and we took the task on! This good boy has completed his bathroom training and learning to walk nicely on the leash. He has been fixed as well.Newton came to us as one of six dogs and he gets along beautifully with all! He is very dog friendly and enjoys wrestling in his clumsy, goofy way. He is very friendly with kids too, but will be more suited for older kids since he becomes a jumper bunny when he gets excited by chew toys or food! There is never any aggression from this guy, though! He loves to play fetch, but thinks that the toy is for keeps. He gets ridiculously excited by chew toys and they are totally his jam! When not being a funny guy, he is a gentle soul who is happy to receive attention and also relax by his humans. He is excitable and mellow at the same time.Newton will adapt into any kind of home as long as there is love to share! He will do great as an only pet, or with dogs, even kitties could be tried. As long as he gets plenty of walks, runs, chew toys, he is good! This pet's adoption fee is $300 and that includes spaying/neutering, shots and microchip. If you want to take this pet home, please fill out the form on the website here /adopt-today ##433256##