Auto Drip n Dry $40
Exterior hand wash & wax, clean windows, clean rims, shine
tires, interior vacuum of carpets, floor mats & upholstery, air
Auto Universal $90
Exterior Detail including exterior wash, remove bugs & road
tar, buff & hand wax exterior paint, clean & dress rims, tires, &
wheel wells, clean door jambs, detail all cracks & crevices,
leather conditioner, UV protect the dash, interior vacuum,
clean windows, air freshener.
Carpets $30 Seats $30 Both $50
Drip n Dry $50 5 step process
1- De-grease wheels, engine, brake discs
and clean tires
2-Wash bike
3-Blow dry
4-Wipe down bike with microfiber cloths
to a shine
5-Clean mirrors, gauges and windshield
The Premium $90 8 step process
All 'Drip n Dry' services, plus:
6-Hand wax painted surfaces
7-Apply uv protection to all plastics and
painted surfaces
8-Clean and condition leather seats and
leather saddle bags
We also offer pick up service for
your motorcycle flat fee of $40
The Universal $150 11 step process
1-De-grease wheels, engine, brake
discs and clean tires
2-Clean all chrome on bike with S100
polishing soap
3-Wash bike
4-Blow dry
5-Wipe down bike with microfiber
cloths to a shine
6-Pig spit all black surfaces on the
bike (not any painted areas)
7-Luster lace for the extra shine
8-Polish the whole bike from front to
back (chrome, engine, cylinder heads,
and painted surfaces etc...)
9-Hand wax painted surfaces
10-Clean and condition leather seats
and leather saddle bags
11-Polish windshield if equip...
The Universal $150 11 step process
1-De-grease wheels, engine, brake
discs and clean tires
2-Clean all chrome on bike with S100
polishing soap
3-Wash bike
4-Blow dry
5-Wipe down bike with microfiber
cloths to a shine
6-Pig spit all black surfaces on the
bike (not any painted areas)
7-Luster lace for the extra shine
8-Polish the whole bike from front to
back (chrome, engine, cylinder heads,
and painted surfaces etc...)
9-Hand wax painted surfaces
10-Clean and condition leather seats
and leather saddle bags
11-Polish windshield if equip...