Adoption fee on this dog is $300.
Morris is a very handsome black & tan GSD with very soft fur.
He is approximately 5-6 years old and weighs 65 lbs.
He was a stray from a Modesto area shelter, so little is known about his background.
He appears to have come out of rough situation.
He had to have extensive dental work done to remove 3 of his 4 canines, as well as several incisors.
He is also missing most of his lower front teeth on the left side, and he has a cataract in his left eye which will be removed in the next couple of weeks.
In his current foster home he is living with large adult males and female GSDs.
He gets along well with all of them and he loves to play.
Morris is very vocal and will voice his displeasure when the others try to take his toys.
Initially Morris was sticking very close to his humans, but now is becoming more comfortable being left alone for short periods of time.
He likes to check in every so often, and then is off to play again.
He is learning to ride in a car, he is housebroken and we are working on crate training.
He does well on a leash and is learning basic commands very quickly.
More to come on this handsome guy as we get to know him better.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our home page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our Dogs page on our main website at
We operate within a reasonable driving distance from the Greater Sacramento area, the
Central Valley down to Merced, and Lake Tahoe. A reasonable driving distance is determined by where one of our volunteers is willing to drive within our areas of service. That means we don't adopt out of our area, to Southern California, or Out of State.
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