My story
Meet Misty Moon. She is 4 years old. She has lived with other cats and peacefully coexisted. Misty Moon and her sister Merica May are very close and will need to go to the same home. They do not like to be without the other. They groom each other, slept near each other, play together and occasionally ignore each other. Misty prefers petting to playing. She likes to have her chin, head and ears petted. She tends to relax and stay in your arms when picked up. She has lived as an indoors only cat. She is an independent, affectionate, couch potato. She loves to be with people although she is shy when she first meets new people.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Misty Moon, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.