Miss Bliss-edob 4/24/12's story
Miss Bliss was rescued from under a school building before it was sealed. She was only three weeks old. [est dob 4/24/12] She is now a beautiful and sweet young cat. She is small and sleek with med/short legs and med/long body. She was fostered at a doggy daycare with one dog that particularly liked kittens and was handled by the granddaughter.
Miss Bliss is a true lap cat and really sweet. She sleeps with me, too.
Black cats and kittens are not adopted in October, so this is an ideal time to look at Miss Bliss!
She can be seen by appointment.
Note, she is a twin with Miss Holly and they are still close. We would like them to go together, but haven't made a big deal about it.
The picture is Miss Moss, but they are identical twins. They sometimes eat from the same plate, so would be a great selection if you wanted two cats.